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  • Do I Need a Work Visa To Film In Ireland?
    Countries in the EU and EEA are part of a single market that allows free movement for their citizens. If you originate in Europe and hold a European passport, then no - you do not need a working visa no matter how long the production runs. This is also currently true of UK crew although Brexit may have an impact. Check here to see if you require a permit. If you originate outside of Europe (U.S.A, Asia etc.) and you will be filming up to14 days, then no work permit is required. However, you will need to furnish details of accommodation while in the country and proof of exit plans as well as a letter from the parent production company giving details of the production. An Atypical Working Scheme Visa must be obtained if filming 15 - 90 days and will take a minimum of 20 working days to process - so give plenty of time.
  • Do I Need Other Permits To Film In Ireland?
    Yes! Most of the locations you intend to film will require a permit. If it is a public space, the relevant local authority will issue a permit. There is a cost associated with this application and it varies from council to council and depends on the end product, whether it is a film for theatre release or documentary etc. Costs can vary from €30 - €250 flat fee per location to hourly rates, depending on your requirements and the location. This process takes approximately 5 days to 3 weeks. However, if you are requesting road closures, this can take considerably longer as the local police need to be involved. If you intend filming on private property then permission is required from the property owner and all relevant location releases must be obtained from the relevant parties.
  • What Insurance Cover Do I Require When Filming In Ireland?
    Most Locations managed by local authorities or the Office of Public Works (OPW) require proof of production insurance with a minimum of €6.5 million public liability insurance rising to €13 million for larger / longer productions. They also require to be indemnified on the policy.
  • Can I Fly My Own Drone In Ireland?
    So, you travel with a Mavic Pro and are thinking of whipping it out when no one is looking? Think again! Drone flying in Ireland is regulated. It's fine if you are in uncontrolled space and you have landowner permission. However, most places of interest are in controlled space or are managed by a local authority who require you to be licensed etc. (if they allow drones at all. OPW managed properties have banned drone use). All drones over 1kg must be registered with the IAA and those used for commercial purposes must be operated by an IAA licensed pilot or a CAA licensed pilot if in Northern Ireland. Permits must be requested from the relevant authorities (both local authorities and aviation authorities) for launch. Fines will be imposed if unauthorised events occur with stricter fines imposed by UK authorities that can also elicit a prison sentence of up to 5 years. And remember...Joe public is acutely aware of their right to privacy and are more than willing to report a drone flying overhead - so make sure you have the right to be there. You can find a registered pilot on and submit a tender (it's free), or visit the IAA list of registered users. Permits can take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks to secure. It is advised that you use a local pilot.
  • Should I Bring My Own Equipment?
    There are pros and cons to bringing your own equipment. PROS... 1. If you are working on a series, you are guaranteed audio and video consistency across all shows by using the same cameras and mics for the duration. 2. There's no ramp up time 'getting a feel' for the gear. 3. You have exactly what you need with you - when you need it. CONS... 1. It can be costly to transport 2. You may get delayed at customs if the carnet is incorrect or don't have one! 3. Extra time needs to be allocated for check in and will take extra time at your destination. 4. Gear may break in transit. 5. If equipment goes lose precious filming hours which can have knock on effects. RENTING EQUIPMENT LOCALLY PROS... 1. You can travel light. 2. It may turn out to be more cost effective to rent locally. 3. If equipment breaks, a replacement piece can be obtained at no cost within hours which means minimal downtime. 4. No fear of equipment getting lost in transit. CONS... 1. You need to be very clear and orgainised when stating what your requirements are. Sourcing items like an audio tentacle sync 24 hours before filming begins will be difficult and potentially costly. 2. You may end up paying for extra rental days/courier fees if your equipment needs to be returned to a rental house across the country.
  • Why Do I Need Goodlooking Films?
    If you are a foreign production crew filming in Ireland for a few days, it is a good idea to hire a local production crew to help: a) supplement your own crew to cut down on travel expenses b) cut through the red tape (we have built relationships with many local authorities) c) source locations and equipment d) organise your shooting schedule and permit applications ahead of time e) bolster trust in smaller communities (particularly useful for documentary work) f) advise from a local perspective g) navigate our narrow, winding roads!
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